Thrive Treasurer Role Description
The role of the treasurer is to represent the Boards interest on matters pertaining to the financial management of Thrive services.
The Treasurer is supported by a Finance Committee and provides a link between the staff and the Board on financial matters. The Treasurer maintains a watching brief on the monthly accounts ensuring appropriate procedures are in place.
The Treasurer works with the Finance office, CEO and the Chair, to draw up the annual budget, which is then approved by the Board.
- Present financial reports to the Board and advise Board of budget issues
- Present annual budget and annual budget review to Board for comment and approval
- Review financial policy in conjunction with CEO Finance Officer and Board members
- Advise Board on investment strategies and management of reserves
- With the Finance officer and CEO, advise Board on financial risk management, security including cyber security
- Attend monthly finance subcommittee meetings to review budget v actual monthly financials with Board Chair, CEO and Finance officer
- Review draft audited financials at finance subcommittee meeting with auditor in attendance prior to presentation to the Board