How we help?
Thrive provides a variety of programs and activities that focus on supporting children’s development and enriching their well-being.
Our Services
Our children’s services offer the opportunity for children and parents to come together and share in many fun and practical ways. From playgroup to more formal parenting education and support, Thrive wants children to have the best chance to learn and develop and build positive connections with other children and the community.
Our play-based activities ensure that each child has an opportunity to explore their world and discover new ideas and experiences.
In partnership with BANC, we provide a weekly supported playgroup for local parents at Blackheath Presbyterian Church Hall on Wednesday afternoons. The playgroup program offers quality play experiences and opportunities for parents to meet other parents and share experiences and knowledge.
Breakfast Clubs
Staff provide a nutritious breakfast and conversations with children attending Cooerwull Public School and on Lithgow Public School Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Parenting & practical groups & workshops
Tuning into Kids, Bringing up great kids, No Scaredy cats and more.
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